A Cowgirl’s Way…
The rodeo was the first sport in which women were allowed to participate against men, giving them a chance to earn money and show their horsemanship.
In the rodeo arena, women were able to express the heart of a cowgirl. Cowgirls of today are vibrant, creative, surprising, and inspiring.
Farm-City Pro Rodeo carries on this tradition as 9 young ladies open the show nightly.

Farm-City Pro Rodeo carries on this tradition as 9 young ladies open the show nightly.
With their stylish clothes and spirited horses, these cowgirls approach the arena at a fast pace, carrying 8 Sponsor Flags and the American Flag.
As each event unfolds, the winner is escorted around the arena by one of these ladies. These girls not only seek their best in the arena for themselves, but they also seek the best for their community, families and the world of rodeo. They are young women of charm…and these girls can ride!