The Farm-City Pro Rodeo consists of four action-packed performances where timed event contestants compete on two head of livestock. The first run will take place in slack in the afternoon, and the second run will be during that night's performance.
The rough stock events will all take place during the night performances and will be one ride only. Monies earned at the Farm-City Pro Rodeo are crucial to making the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Nevada in December.
Riding Events
Riding event contestants compete on one head of livestock. These contestants will compete on the animal that was selected in a random draw by the PRCA office on the day chosen in a separate draw.
Only those contestants with the highest scores in Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, and Bull Riding will earn money in their event. The contestant with the highest score on one ride will win the FCPR title.

Timed Events
Timed event contestants will compete on two head of livestock. The lowest combined time on two head will determine the aggregate champions in Tie-Down Roping, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, and Breakaway Roping.
(Those contestants in the timed events that exceed the number of runs possible to fit in a rodeo performance.) To better accommodate the timed event contestants, the FCPR introduced a "back-to-back" format.
Each timed event contestant will run their first head of livestock during the afternoon slack on the performance day that was chosen by the PRCA office. Their second head of livestock will be run either during that night's performance or in the slack competition directly following the rodeo that night. This format allows the contestant to run both heads of livestock in one day.

Prize Money
The Farm-City Pro Rodeo brings a purse of $25,000 per event plus entry fees for Bareback Riding, Tie-Down Roping, Breakaway Roping, Steer Wrestling, Saddle Bronc Riding, Barrel Racing, and Bull Riding. Because there are two contestants involved in the Team Roping event, FCPR adds $50,000 plus entry fees. The FCPR ranks among the top 25 professional rodeos in North America based on total prize money. The total entries in each event determine how many places or "monies paid" in each event.

Wrangler Tour
There are two levels of competition in the revised format being used this year with nine of the 25 participating rodeos designated as Gold rodeos – those with a committee purse of at least $20,000 in each event – and the remainder being designated Silver rodeos, with a committee purse of at least $10,000 in each event.
The Wrangler Million Dollar Tour will culminate with an elimination-style playoff system that will play out at two elite PRCA events, in Puyallup, WA and Omaha, NB.
Total prize money for the regular season and playoffs is projected to exceed $6 million.